Hikari Platinum Berlitz
the story of @FinalDaybreak
Hikari's Info
Age: 25
Height: 5'1"
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Silver (Hikari) Gold (Arceus)
Region of Origin: SinnohOther notes: Hikari has pale skin and a "doe-like" face structure. Her clothing style leans toward soft grunge.Is Hikari a Human or a Pokémon? She struggles to fully grasp her identity when it comes to what species she is.Current Pokémon Team:Endless (Darkrai)
Alastor (Shiny Rapidash)
Mirai (Umbreon)
Sleeper (Abra)

and the stars themselves shall tremble
Hikari P. Berlitz, daughter of a famous coordinator and businessman, began her Pokémon journey at the age of 10 when a Piplup was gifted to her by professor Rowan after the blue penguin of terror killed a Pidgey near the lake. His grandson Lucas/Dia and her neighbor Barry/Jun instantly became friends with Hikari and formed an unstoppable battling trio, climbing their way to the top. The three were incredibly close and not often did anything without one another, so when Team Galactic posed a threat they hastily ganged up to take them on.On the day Hikari turned 11, she and her friends planned a raid on Team Galactic's HQ in Veilstone. Mostly successful, they were able to defeat a large number of grunts, but as they progressed they realized even combined they weren't strong enough. Commanders Saturn and Jupiter had no issue stopping Barry and Lucas dead in their tracks and ejecting them from HQ. Hikari, being the strongest of the three, swept the floor with Mars (and to this day Hikari believes she still holds resentment) and fought her way to Team Galactic's leader: Cyrus.Aside from a brief encounter at the lake, this was her first time dealing with Cyrus and very early on Hikari understood her mistake. The realization of how minuscule she and her Pokémon were to this man set in, and one after the other they were brutally murdered by Cyrus' team. With no Pokémon left, Cyrus' Sneasel claimed the opportunity to slice open Hikari's leg to prevent her from escaping. She blacked out the moment she noticed blood smearing the floor as she tried to crawl away.Hikari's wounds were treated and she quarantined for 3 days before Cyrus brought her before the commanders of Team Galactic. They held a trial on whether or not her actions justified execution but Cyrus concluded by suggesting death would be an easy way out and that she had potential, from what he witnessed during their battle. The ultimate decision: Hikari was to become an apprentice.Hikari spent two years under Cyrus' control. He filled her head with Team Galactic rhetoric, attempting to mold Hikari into a second version of himself. The brainwashing was intense and Hikari struggled to hold onto her old self.It all came to a head when Team Galactic forced Hikari into the freezing Lake Acuity to catch Uxie. Hikari, having enough of Team Galactic, refused and Cyrus ordered grunts to throw her back into the water, aggrivating the Lake Pokémon. It sent a lethal dose of electricity to the lake, nearly killing Hikari.After two weeks in intensive care, Team Galactic discharged Hikari to Sinnoh's harsh wilderness and Hikari made the long trek back to Twinleaf Pokémon-less. Unfortunately, her parents were nowhere to be found and the house was empty, but Hikari stayed since her home was all she had left.Fast forward six years (age 19), Hikari rebooted her gym challenge with only a Staraptor and a Garchomp. She befriended the two Pokémon and trained while living alone. During a training session for her 8th badge, Hikari was severely injured by Garchomp in a freak accident, forcing her to give up the gym challenge once again. Garchomp couldn't handle what happened and ran away, and when he didn't come back Hikari released Staraptor so he wouldn't be lonely.She remained without Pokémon until age 20.
TEAM GALACTIC RETURN ARCDuring a trip to Snowpoint for a fireworks festival, Hikari made a dangerous encounter with Cyrus at the Snowpoint Temple. They exchanged heated words and Hikari nearly lost her temper, which resulted in capsules drawn but no battle took place. Hikari sensed something deeply sinister and left at once, thinking she'd never see him again but she was very wrong.He had his most brainwashed zealots follow her to the inn she was staying at, and ambushed her. When Hikari became outnumbered they pinned her. Cyrus stepped in and knocked her unconscious with an injection saying "You're a fool." as she slipped away.Hikari relived her nightmare, forced to assimilate into Team Galactic's ideals and culture. Cyrus made sure her days were filled with struggle but often reminded her that Team Galactic was to make great use of her brilliant mind and persistence. Hikari slowly lost her sense of self and became an almost carbon copy of Cyrus. She accepted the title of Commander and formed her own team of grunts and scientists that specialized in manipulating Pokémon DNA. Her lab was successful and often traveled across Sinnoh for field operations.One evening while her team was gathering radiation samples from Mt. Coronet, a striped Charizard, Ares, made contact with Hikari and explained that he was sent from another region's military to kill Cyrus. Hikari doubled down at first, but after a lengthy discussion and much convincing, Hikari admitted that she felt trapped and agreed to help Ares destroy Team Galactic.The process was lengthy. Hikari knew if she wanted to be successful at initiating Team Galactic's downfall, she had to overthrow Cyrus. And overthrowing a terroristic organization's leader meant getting into his mind.Hikari became more involved in Cyrus' plans. More involvement meant more work, and more work meant longer hours, less sleep, and a lot of valuable information sent to Ares, and eventually to the military.Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the 12 hour shifts alone with Cyrus in his office or the deep philosophical conversations well into the early morning. Maybe it was her carelessness in failing to realize how close they were, how similar they were. Maybe it was a combination of everything that they at first grew innocently fond of each other, but later developed a toxic relationship that neither of them could crawl out of.Cyrus did not hesitate to take advantage of her feelings though, and stole most of her DNA research for his own purposes. Later it was discovered that Hikari carried Arceus DNA and pushed her into multiple painful experiments to "awaken". It happened. She destroyed the entire South Wing of HQ and in her rage revealed that Cyrus was actually Giratina and awakened the creature just as he did to her.Cyrus began to slip in and out of Giratina's mental grip and became vulnerable and dependent on Hikari's benevolence. She dropped hints of being his second and command, and that if they married, they'd combine the two branches of Team Galactic and become an unstoppable force.They constructed a plan to assassinate the other organization leaders at their wedding and it worked for the most part. Cyrus announced thier demise during the vows and shot dead the officiant to make it clear there would be no fighting back. Hearthome Cathedral was used as a gas chamber and the Team Galactic commanders escaped through a tunnel in the floor. Ares broke into the cathedral to grab Hikari and it turned into a brawl between him, the team leaders, and the sacrificial Galactic grunts. Everyone made it out alive but Hikari was downed by inhaling the toxic fumes. Team Galactic moved her to an airship and bombed Hearthome as they fled.After three months, Hikari woke up in a remote base off the coast of Snowpoint in an unstable attempt to hide Arceus while rebuilding Team Galactic. It wasn't long before Ares found the base and torched everything to the ground. He rescued Hikari and burned half of Cyrus' face as a parting gift.That did not stop Cyrus. His revenge was to attack them in Hearthome and a battle ensued. Ares/Military/Arceus vs Team Galactic/Giratina. Arceus overpowered Giratina and sealed him in the Distortion World. Hearthome was restored by Arceus' powers and Hikari was finally free of Team Galactic. Ares thanked her for her help and they parted ways.

Minors are discouraged from interacting.
Follow at your own discretion.Triggering content at any time.NO LEWD CONTENT.Under no circumstances is Hikari's lore/timeline to be followed or acknowledged by other accounts without their consent. Everyone has different ways to run their muse. If your muse wants to integrate/ acknowledge Hikari's AU that's up to you!Do not follow if you're uncomfortable with a human/pokemon ship. I do not support any other human/pokemon pairings. This specific ship is deeply integrated into her story and character. Again, if you disagree don't follow.Open to multiple ships that deviate from Hikari's main story.Open to plotting as well!
ART CREDITSStats photo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88958355lore photos
(hikari) ginkirikirikiri.tumblr.com
(hikari/cyrus) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/55284733the rest are mine